# powermeter A simple Pyhton script to mesaure you electricity consumption using the LED on a electricity meter and a digital light sensor. You either can use InfluxDB to store the data or a built in Flask application. ## Hardware setup - Raspberry Pi - Digital light sensor like this: https://www.berrybase.de/lichtsensor-mit-digitalem-ausgang Connect the light sensor to your Pi: ``` VCC: 5V DATA: GPIO 27 GND: GND ``` ## Software setup - Copy the `.env.example` to `/etc/powermeter-environment` and change it to your needs. - Acivate at least InfluxDB (which I would recommend) or Flask output. Clone this repository and create a virtualenv within it: ``` git clone https://code.f2n.me/finn/powermeter.git cd powermeter cp .env.example /etc/powermeter-environment cp powermeter.service /etc/systemd/system/powermeter.service systemctl enable powermeter systemctl start powermeter ``` For Flask app also to the following steps: ``` virtualenv . pip install -r requirements.txt cp apache2_sample_config.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/powermeter.conf # modifiy to fit your needs a2ensite powermeter systemctl reload apache2 ``` ## Developing (Flask app) For developing run this (you need to create database and user first): ``` export FLASK_ENV=development export APP_DEVELOPMENT_DATABASE_URI=postgres://username:passwort@hostname/database flask run ``` ## Future thoughts - build container for flask app - Microcontroller edition - and more ## Screenshots Node-RED usage example: ![Node-RED Dashboard](/screenshots/nodered.png) Grafana Dashboard example (InfluxDB datasource): ![Grafana Dashboard](/screenshots/grafana.png)